Setup communication through services, all made out of your schemas and handlers.

// register extension
const GRPC = Grown.use(require('@grown/grpc'));

  syntax = "proto3";
  package API;
  service Test {
    rpc is(Input) returns (Output) {}
  message Input {
    int32 truth = 1;
  message Output {
    string reveal = 1;

  module.exports = function ({ request }) {
    return {
      reveal: request.truth === 42,

  include: [
    GRPC.Loader.scan(__dirname + '/index.proto'),

const API = Grown.load(__dirname + '/handlers');
const gateway = Grown.GRPC.Gateway.setup(API, {
  timeout: 10,

const result = await{ truth: 42 });

console.log('GOT:', result);

This example does not work on Runkit, but it should work if you test it locally. 💣


Public methods static

  • scan(file[, options]) — Returns a mapping of all services found in the given file, options are given to @grpc/proto-loader when loading the file.


Public methods static

  • setup(controllers[, options]) — Returns a gateway instance with services and controllers merged. Invoke them as map.send<Service>(...) or as map.Service.method({ ... }) indistinctly.

    Supported options are:

    • hostname(serviceName) — Function, used to determine a host for service registration, fallback to otherwise.
    • timeout — Number, timeout in seconds for gRPC deadline option; default to undefined.
    • port — Number, custom port for service registration; default to 50051.

Calls to hostname(...) would return a port too, in such case is preferred and used instead.

Private* methods static

  • _callService(options, client, method, data) — Wrap used methods when calling services.
  • _getService(name, controller) — Decorate all methods on given handlers.
  • _onError(e) — Decorate errors thrown by calling services.