It enables a simple DSL to configure command-line tasks, i.e. manage your database setup, start or interact with your application, etc.

// require and create a Grown-container
const Grown = require('@grown/bud')();

// register extension

  module.exports = {
    description: 'Example task',
    callback() {
      console.log('It works.')

// overload definition
Grown('CLI', {
  task_folders: [
    __dirname + '/tasks',

// e.g. `node script.js example -- ls tasks`
Grown.argv._ = ['example'];
Grown.argv.raw = ['ls', 'tasks'];

// take the first non-param value
const taskName = Grown.argv._.shift();

// invoke raw args and then run
await Grown.CLI.start(taskName);

// these tasks are invoked synchronously

Click ▷ RUN above to see what happens — use this technique if you want to define your own CLI behavior, etc.

How it works?

Task files are defined as modules, e.g. tasks/words.js

const USAGE_INFO = `

  It will print messages

  Given any arguments, this task will print them
  back as they were received, or reversed, etc.

  --mirror   Invert whole output before print
  --reverse  Invert words before print

    node script.js example hello world


module.exports = {
  description: USAGE_INFO,
  callback(Grown) {
    const words = Grown.argv._.slice();

    if (!words.length) {
      throw new Error('Missing words');

    let output = words.join(' ');

    if (Grown.argv.flags.mirror) {
      output = output.split('').reverse().join('');

    if (Grown.argv.flags.reverse) {
      output = words.reverse().join(' ');


Now you can invoke this task using grown words or node script.js words depending on your installation.

Formatting for task descriptions is enouraged to have its body indented with two spaces, to help readability.

See built-in tasks from the CLI module.

Public methods static

  • start([taskName]) — Invoke a single task by name, otherwise it'll list them all. Additional args after -- are executed as a shell command, returns a promise.
  • run(taskName) — Invoke a single task by name, returns the task's callback result.

Private* props static

  • _ — Utility helpers to deal with simple status(), write()/remove() files and to parse() data sources. Parsed data contains: ok, key, yaml, target, remove() and serialize().
  • _start — Initialization date, e.g. new Date().
  • _tasks — Collected tasks by name.

Private* methods static

  • _findAvailableTasks() — Scan and register file tasks once.
  • _findApplication() — Scan for a initialization script.
  • _collectTasks(...fromDirs) — Scan and return file tasks from given directories.
  • _showTasks([taskName]) — Test and run if the given taskName is registered. Returns a promise if it exists.
  • _showHelp([taskName]) — Display the usage info for a the given taskName.
  • _onError(errObj) — Default error handler.
  • _onExit(statusCode) — Default exit handler.
  • _exec(argv[, callback]) — Invoke a shell command from the given argv, then callback when finished.