Command line

Make sure you write a script like the shown below, e.g. app.js

// require and create a Grown-container
const Grown = require('grown')();

// create the web-server instance
const server = new Grown();

// exports the server to be used later
module.exports = server;

// starts if required directly by node
if (require.main === module) {
  server.listen(Grown.argv.flags.port || 8080);

Run your server manually with node app or with npx grown server start — the latter will check for any {app,main,index,server}.js script.

Try npx grown --help to get more usage info, also in sub commands like npx grown generate def --help and so on.

Also, you can setup a bin/grown executable with the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env node

Test it out!


  • The application script can be named as app.js, main.js, index.js or server.js — otherwise, it should be specified by the --app option.
  • The application script can be invoked by the grown binary if the server gets exported — it can be executed by node using the require.main check.